Full Demonstration
- A short 4 minute video demonstrating how to use the movement monitoring web application.
- Click Register in top right hand corner.
- Important: Registrations cannot be completed without a company. It's important that your comany details are accurate as they will be displayed on your report.
- Complete all required data and submit.
- You will receive an email with instructions on how to verify your email address.
- You will be notified by email once your application has been confirmed.
Add to Phone Home Screen (App)
- Open Chrome
and go to the website www.movementmonitoring.culfin.org
- Open the three-dot menu at the top and select Add to Home screen.
- Confirm and it will appear on-screen.
New Project
- In the panel on the left, click the add icon beside Live Projects.
- Complete all required data (all required except project reference).
- Project Reference is a code you might want to assign to the project for your own internal use.
- Trigger limits must be in metres(m) e.g. 0.005m.
- On submit the new project will be available in the Live Projects list.
New Section
- In the panel on the left, click the add icon beside Section.
- Enter the section name and submit.
- The new section will appear in the section list.
New Target
- In the panel on the left, click the add icon beside Target.
- Enter the target name and submit.
- The new target will appear in the target list.
New Survey
- In the table in the centre, click the add icon in the top right of the table.
- Select the survey date.
- Enter the readings in metres (m).
- Click submit and the new survey will appear at the top of the table.
- To enter survey data automatically or upload csv, refer to the instuctions below:
- Upload Survey Via CSV File
- Repeat Previous Survey
New Event
- In the panel on the right, click View Events
- In the table in the centre, click the add icon in the top right of the table.
- Select the event date.
- Enter the event details and submit.
- The new event will appear at the top of the table.
Additional Project Information
- In the panel on the right, click Additional Info
- In the pop-up window enter any additional information relevant to this project.
- This text will appear on your report.
- You can edit this text anytime.
Edit Project
- In the panel on the left, click the edit icon beside Live Projects.
- Make your changes and submit.
Edit Section
- In the panel on the left, click the edit icon beside Section.
- Make your changes and submit.
Edit Target
- In the panel on the left, click the edit icon beside Target.
- Make your changes and submit.
Edit Survey
- In the table in the centre, click the edit icon on the row you want to edit.
- Make your changes and submit.
Edit Event
- In the panel on the right, click View Events
- In the table in the centre, click the edit icon on the row you want to edit.
- Make your changes and submit.
Delete Project
- In the panel on the left, click the delete_forever icon beside Live Projects.
- A message will pop-up asking if you are sure you want to delete.
- Click OK or cancel.
Delete Section
- In the panel on the left, click the delete_forever icon beside Section.
- A message will pop-up asking if you are sure you want to delete.
- Click OK or cancel.
Delete Target
- In the panel on the left, click the delete_forever icon beside Target.
- A message will pop-up asking if you are sure you want to delete.
- Click OK or cancel.
Delete Survey
- In the table in the centre, click the delete_forever icon on the row you want to edit.
- A message will pop-up asking if you are sure you want to delete.
- Click OK or cancel.
Delete Event
- In the panel on the right, click View Events
- In the table in the centre, click the delete_forever icon on the row you want to edit.
- A message will pop-up asking if you are sure you want to delete.
- Click OK or cancel.
Upload Readings via CSV File
- Select project from live projects list.
- In the panel on the right, enter date of survey.
- In the panel on the right, click Upload CSV
- Before you upload you csv file, ensure the following:
- Download the Example and Template files to see the format required for upload.
- For new projects: You must set up the sections and targets first using the left panel before uploading your csv.
- Target names must match exactly with the original names in the project to upload successfully.
- Ensure the target names are unique to the project. You cannot use the same target name more than once.
- Choose the csv file unit. Defaults to metres (m).
- Only csv format accepted (not xls).
Repeat Previous Survey
To save a lot of time in data entry, you don't have to re-enter all the reading for each survey. You can reuse the previous survey's readings, then adjust each one with the new readings.
- Select project from live projects list.
- In the panel on the right, enter new survey date.
- In the panel on the right, click Copy Previous Survey/Event
- The previous surveys readings will then shows for all live targets under the new survey date.
- Then cycle through each target and click edit icon for the new survey and change to the new reading.
Delete Full Survey
If you want to delete a whole survey without having to go through each target and delete individually. You can delete the whole survey in one go.
- Select project from live projects list.
- In the panel on the right, enter the date of the survey you want to delete.
- In the panel on the right, click Delete Survey/Event
- The surveys will be deleted for the selected date.
Upload Project Drawings
If you want to include the project CAD drawings with the report. You can upload them and they will be merged with the monitoring report.
- Select project from live projects list.
- In the panel on the right, click Upload Drawings
- The table in the centre will show any files you have already uploaded for the selected project.
- You can add a new file by clicking the add icon in the top right of the table.
- You can view these clicking the pageview icon.
- You can delete a file by clicking the delete_forever icon.
- You can only upload PDF format.
Upload Company Logo
If you want to include your company logo on the report.
- Select project from live projects list.
- In the menu bar at the top click on 'Tools'
- Select Upload Company Logo.
- Choose your file and upload logo.
Download Project Readings
If you want to download your project readings.
- Select project from live projects list.
- In the menu bar at the top click on 'Download Readings'
- A csv file will be downloaded contains the project's full dataset.
Archive a Project
If a project has finished and you no longer need it to appear in your live projects list.
- Select project from live projects list.
- In the panel on the left, click the task icon beside Live Projects.
- A message will pop-up asking if you are sure you want to archive.
- Click OK or cancel.
Reinstate a Project
If you want to bring an archived project back to the live projects list.
- In the panel on the bottom right, Choose the archived project you wish to reinstate.
- In the panel on the bottom right, click Reinstate Project
- A message will pop-up asking if you are sure you want to reinstate.
- Click OK or cancel.
Request Reports
When you have finished updating your project data and wish to request a report.
- In the panel on the top right, click Request Reports
- The table in the centre will show all live projects linked to your company.
- Check the box on the right to select the report.
- Then click the Next button in the top right of the table.
- Another table will appear showing a summary and cost of reports requested.
- If the selection is correct click the Place Order or Go To Payment button.
- Your order will be processed and you will receive your requested reports within 30 minutes.
- You are not charged for re-issues. If you have already requested a report and then make an amendment, there is no charge.